If you’re looking for an exceptional roofing solution that can both correct problems on your existing roof and also strengthen your roof structure, spray foam roofing may be the perfect product.
Also known as spray polyurethane foam, or SPF, spray foam roofing is a standout roofing solution that is applicable to most existing roof surfaces. Rather than footing the bill for a roof tear-off and replacement, you may be able to preserve your existing roof with this impressive product.
If your commercial building is located in the Fort Dodge, IA, area, give the experts at Sadler Coating Systems a call at 866-756-2901. We will be glad to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation, assess the condition of your roof, and go over the details of spray foam roofing with you.
SPF Assets
SPF roofing is an incredibly cost-effective waterproofing solution—one of the best in the market, in fact. It is fully adhered and seamless, and its benefits are many, including:
- Addresses roof problems, including damaged substrate and poor drainage
- Closed-cell insulation properties provide full waterproofing
- Insulation value of R6.5 per inch—the very highest you can get!
- Eliminates air infiltration, which is a leading cause of energy loss in a building
- Enhances energy efficiency
- Mitigates sound transmission
- Strengthens roof structure without significantly adding weight
- Can be applied to most existing roof surfaces
- Incredible strength to hold up against Mother Nature—even hurricane-force winds!
- Repairing and recoating are easy and quick
- Stands up well to foot traffic and any other added weight (like snow or rain)
Replacing a commercial roof is incredibly expensive and disruptive, but the good news is a roofing solution like SPF can delay the need for replacement by years while simultaneously addressing and fixing a roof’s problems. All around, it is an outstanding roofing product!
Find Out More!
To learn more about spray foam roofing, and for any other commercial roofing needs in the Fort Dodge, IA, area, give Sadler Coating Systems a call today at 866-756-2901. We are here to serve you with the very best products and workmanship!